General FYI.
█ ▌█ ▌Current Membership Fee: 1,800L ▌█ ▌█
Membership offers full and unlimited access to the Elysion, The Redwoods, and Deception Pass, Kodiak, as well as all the Native Sailing regions for members to use as they wish (within the Elysion guidelines) and offers an array of events every week to encourage community, social interaction, creativity, and excitement. The Owner, Management, and staff of Elysion would like to extend a gracious welcome to you in becoming a part of this community, and sharing your creativity and energy with us. The one time group fee, helps to offset the costs of events, entertainment for members, and to keep all regions updated with new content.
Elysion would not have come to fruition or continue to evolve and grow without the wonderful support of each and every member. We are grateful that you grant us the ability to paint a canvas for you to enjoy, woven together through interaction, creativity, atmosphere and music.
▌If you are removed from the group due to your own actions, there will be NO REFUND of your group join fee. Individuals will be held accountable for their own behavior and conduct on any Elysion owned region and in the group chat. Guidelines are available to read BEFORE joining the group at group join location, as well as, listed on this website. It is YOUR responsibility to read and adhere to the guidelines set forth for this community, and doing so will insure that you remain a part of this vibrant and diverse group.
▌No Refunds will be given if you accidentally leave the Elysion Group so please take care while cleaning out groups. (The viewer warns you BEFORE you leave a group) so sorry guys...there is no such thing as an "accidental leave".
▌There will be no free access to Elysion. We do our best to treat all members fairly therefore, we do not offer free joins to anyone for any reason. If you feel that Elysion is worth your linden and your time please join our group, we welcome everyone to experience the sim, the atmosphere, our parties and more importantly the Elysion community, that has been built around what we have all created.
Estates Conduct
Elysion offers residential rentals exclusively for Elysion members on several regions. (Redwoods, Deception Pass, Kodiak, and All Native Sailing Regions).
The public areas of these rental regions are accessible only to Elysion members. Members are welcomed and encouraged to visit them but we do require that you refrain from intruding on rented parcels. Parcels and private rentals are marked with fencing and a gate and privacy protected with a privacy orb. You'll be ejected by the orb from any area you wander on to that is private. Repeat intrusions onto a private rental is ground for your membership to Elysion to be revoked.